So Is Buddhism a Religion or Not?

So Is Buddhism a Religion or Not?

“I pray that we are not a religion.” Is Buddhism a religion?  Is it, instead, a philosophy?  First, let’s see what the Buddha himself has to say.  It turns out, he has an answer for that question.  He says emphatically, “What I teach is...
Abbot’s Commentary: Karma is Power

Abbot’s Commentary: Karma is Power

Karma is power. You have power because your actions have consequences. You have the power to change the world, and you have the power to change your life. You use this power at all times. Even if you decide not to use it, that very decision is an exercise of your...
Emptiness is So Full

Emptiness is So Full

“The farmer’s carrot-and-stick approach will cease to work once you perceive the emptiness of both carrot and stick.” There is a very important teaching closely related to dependent origination and non-self that gained a position of preeminence in many schools of...