How to Karma Without Your Self

How to Karma Without Your Self

In an earlier post, we stated the Buddhist teaching of non-self.  That leads to two questions about karma that confound many people studying Buddhism, which turn out to have answers that are surprisingly understandable.  The two questions are: How can...
It’s Cause and Effect All Over Again

It’s Cause and Effect All Over Again

There is an important theme you see over and over again in Buddhism, and that is the central importance of cause and effect.  All of Buddhism can be said to revolve around the one vital insight that suffering has causes, and that if you take away any necessary...
Dukkha Due to Formations

Dukkha Due to Formations

The Buddha’s teachings on dukkha (suffering) is somewhat more nuanced than we talked about earlier (here).  In an important discourse[1], the Buddha clarified that there are three types of dukkha: Dukkha due to physical or emotional pain Dukkha due to...