Extracted from the Acknowledgement section of Buddhism For All: We are very grateful to and very touched by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama for giving his personal blessing to us and to this book. More than anybody alive today, His Holiness is an inspiration who...
Friends, All good things must come to an end. We have now arrived at the end of the Buddhism for All series. Buddhism is not a faith tradition; it is an evidence-centric insight tradition. The Buddha does not invite you to believe, he invites you to...
We would like to wish all fathers a Happy Father’s Day! Buddha taught us to cherish and honor our parents. Possibly the most important thing the Buddha said about our parents is in AN 2.33. He said even if we were to carry them on our shoulders for 100...
Friends, Imagine a religion with a strict power hierarchy where orthodoxy is tightly regulated from the top. Now let’s do a thought experiment, and imagine a religion that takes an almost exact opposite approach towards orthodoxy. What would it look...
Friends, The Buddha passed without appointing a successor. Instead, he told the monks, “After my passing, the Dharma and the discipline (Dhamma-vinaya) I taught you shall be your teacher.” It took three remarkable individuals to preserve Dhamma-vinaya for all of us...
Vesak Day is widely celebrated by Buddhists all over the world on the full moon day of the fourth Lunar month. It is considered to be the most important Buddhist celebration in the year. Buddhists commemorate the birth, enlightenment (nibbāna/nirvana) and final...