The Buddha’s Passing

The Buddha’s Passing

Siddhattha became the Buddha at the age of thirty-five.  He taught for the next forty-five years or so until he was eighty.  At the ripe old age of eighty, he passed away, or more accurately, he entered final nirvana.  His last days were documented in...
Buddhism is the Science of the Mind

Buddhism is the Science of the Mind

While Buddhist civilizations did not give birth to modern science, Buddhism can justifiably be called the “Science of the Mind”, as the Dalai Lama has done.  That is because the entirety of one’s Buddhist training can be thought of as repeated applications of the...
This week in Buddhism: Vesak Day

This week in Buddhism: Vesak Day

Vesak Day is widely celebrated by Buddhists all over the world on the full moon day of the fourth Lunar month. It is considered to be the most important Buddhist celebration in the year. Buddhists commemorate the birth, enlightenment (nibbāna/nirvana) and final...