Little Dust In Their Eyes

Little Dust In Their Eyes

(Context: Come, See.) The final story tells us that the Buddha actually had to make up his mind whether or not to teach the Dharma. After his enlightenment, the Buddha spent a few weeks dwelling in solitude abiding in the bliss of nirvana.  While sitting under a...
Yeah, Like Whatever, Mr. Buddha

Yeah, Like Whatever, Mr. Buddha

(Context: Come, See.) This story occurred not long after the Buddha’s enlightenment.  He had no disciples at this time, and he was walking to where he knew his five former companions were so that he could teach them the Dharma.  On his way, he met his first...
Come, See

Come, See

When it comes to spreading the Dharma, the Buddhist attitude can be summarized in a single Pali word: ehipassiko, which literally means “come, see”.  Buddhism is not a faith tradition; it is an evidence-centric insight tradition.  For that reason, the Buddha...