Reflections for “Right Effort”

Reflections for “Right Effort”

The post titled Right Effort is now up on Buddhism for All. Angela from the team reflected on it, and invites you to do so too. 🌕 Angela’s Reflections: Right effort is more of a mental practice or introspective awareness, rather than a physical...
Reflections for “Right Livelihood”

Reflections for “Right Livelihood”

The post titled Right Livelihood is now up on Buddhism for All. Angela from the team reflected on it, and invites you to do so too. 🌕 Angela’s Reflections: The Buddha’s compassion to teach us right livelihood (relevant even today) is...
Reflections for “Right Action”

Reflections for “Right Action”

The post titled Right Action is now up on Buddhism for All. Angela from the team reflected on it, and invites you to do so too. 🌕 Angela’s Reflections: When we practice right action, we do not want to cause harm to others, because they too are...
Reflections for “Right Speech”

Reflections for “Right Speech”

The post titled Right Speech is now up on Buddhism for All. Angela from the team reflected on it, and invites you to do so too. 🌕 Angela’s Reflections: Hurtful speech can harm significantly more than physical weapons. Unwholesome speech could...