Solve Problems Not By Creating More

Solve Problems Not By Creating More

The insight that you do not have to construct anything new to solve suffering also has a surprisingly powerful practical implication: that we can solve problems without creating new ones.  This is an idea formulated by Soryu and a Buddhist master I know: Shinzen...
You Already Have Gold in that Ball of Dung

You Already Have Gold in that Ball of Dung

If Soryu was giving a lecture on the Second Noble Truth, he would start by explaining that suffering is caused. That means it is not inherent, and not arbitrary, and that it is subject to cause and effect.  And then before he talks about the actual cause of suffering,...
Not Mine, Not I, Not My Self

Not Mine, Not I, Not My Self

Listen to this article here (8 minutes 20 seconds).You can buy the audiobook here. There is a particularly powerful form of grasping that relates to all three forms of craving, and also relates to the “five aggregates subject to grasping”.  It is grasping to the...
Craving for Existence and Non-Existence

Craving for Existence and Non-Existence

In an earlier post, the Buddha identified three specific types of craving: Craving for sensual pleasure. Craving for existence. Craving for non-existence. In the most recent post, we talked about (1). In this post, we will go into detail regarding (2) and (3), the...