So Is Buddhism a Religion or Not?

So Is Buddhism a Religion or Not?

“I pray that we are not a religion.” Is Buddhism a religion?  Is it, instead, a philosophy?  First, let’s see what the Buddha himself has to say.  It turns out, he has an answer for that question.  He says emphatically, “What I teach is...
Buddhism is Needed in the World

Buddhism is Needed in the World

There is a popular quote allegedly by Albert Einstein: The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both natural and spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the...
Buddhism Frees You

Buddhism Frees You

Buddhism is all about freedom and liberation. The final goal of Buddhist practice is total liberation from all suffering. But even before reaching that final goal, you will find yourself gaining freedom in many different ways at many different levels. You may, for...