The post titled The Five Higher Fetters are Like a Subtle Final Boss is now up on Buddhism for All. Angela from the team reflected on it, and invites you to do so too.
🌕 Angela’s Reflections:
Venerable Sāriputta, Buddha’s disciple foremost in wisdom, pointed out to Venerable Anuruddhā, Buddha’s disciple foremost in the divine eye, the very subtle conceit, restlessness and remorse still present in his mind.
Venerable Sāriputta told Venerable Anuruddhā to “abandon these three qualities and stop attending to them. Instead, direct your mind to the deathless element.”
Venerable Sāriputta’s advice of directing the mind towards the deathless element is extremely important, even for beginners because it is crucial to have a foundation of Right View.
🌱 Journal Reflection Prompts for You:
- 📝 Identify where sensual desire and ill-will arise in your life. How might you become more aware of them as they arise? Why would this awareness be useful?
- 📝 Identify where conceit, restlessness and remorse arise in your life. How might you become more aware of them as they arise? Why would this awareness be useful?
Featured image, photograph of person. Source: