Abbot’s Commentary: You Can Do It

Abbot’s Commentary: You Can Do It

Imagine a man holding onto a chain attached to a stake in the ground.  He has been circling around that stake for years, walking thousands of miles without going anywhere.  There is an end to his imprisonment, which will enable him to live a better life: he...
Four Stages of Enlightenment

Four Stages of Enlightenment

The prospect of working towards full enlightenment can be very daunting.  Fortunately, there is good news, and there is even better news.  The good news is that the path towards full enlightenment can be broken down into four stages, and reaching stage one...
Aspects of Nirvana

Aspects of Nirvana

“I’m trying to extinguish his greed, hatred, and delusion.” First, it’s useful to know the literal meaning of the word nirvana.  Nirvana literally means “going out”,[1] as in the extinguishing of a flame, so in that sense, nirvana means...