Abbot’s Commentary: Mindfulness is Relevant Always

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Buddhism for All

Mindfulness is said to be useful everywhere. That means that we can always do it. We can practice it in every circumstance.

Too often, people think that they need to hold a specific focus, such as the breath, in order to practice mindfulness. But we can experience everything with mindfulness. Are you experiencing pain? You may not be able to focus on your breath, but you can experience pain with mindfulness. Are you experiencing joy? You may not be able to focus on your breath, but you can experience joy with mindfulness. This experience, not a different one, is where we most easily establish mindfulness. Mindfulness is relevant always. It is how we make this very moment into the next step on the path to the end of suffering.


Soryu Forall

After 10 years of monastic training in Asia, Soryu founded the Monastic Academy and spent his life working to create just societies through teaching the Dharma. He has taught thousands of meditators one-on-one in intensive practice. He guides global leaders to conquer their minds. (Read Soryu's story)

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